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ma la infanem è americana..... :facepalm::sorrisone:

Infanem is the work of Ken Schurer to apply engineering knowledge to the creation of new musical devices for new sounds. All design and building is done in-house by Ken in Portland, OR

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la Seppuku è australiana....

Seppuku is a small company from Melbourne, Australia with a love for electricity, sound, video and experimentation small company from Melbourne, Australia with a love for electricity, sound, video and experimentation

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e la Copilotfx vien dalla Repubblica Dominicana... (incredibile)

Copilot FX is located at the sunny land of the Dominican Republic, The goal is to create unique devices, sounds and experiences for the users. At this moment Copilot is run by Adam Romero, who designs and builds the pedals. It originally started in feb 2006, but officially in octuber 2006

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